From The Lap Of Luxury-Chrisley Knows Best Stars Face What Their Prison Terms Will Be Like

The Chrisley family has been living in the lap of luxury, but their lavish lifestyle has come to a sudden end as they have been sentenced to serve time in federal prison.

Todd and Julie Chrisley were convicted by a jury in Northern Georgia on several counts of bank fraud, obstruction of justice, tax fraud, and more. Todd is set to serve twelve years in a federal prison camp in Pensacola, Florida, while Julie will be serving seven years in FCI Marianna, two hours away in Jackson, Florida.

The Chrisleys’ prison sentences mean a drastic change in their lifestyle, as they will no longer be able to enjoy the luxuries they are accustomed to. Todd will have to wear one uniform consisting of a green shirt and pants with white socks and black steel-toed shoes. Julie will have a more stylish uniform of head-to-toe khaki, and she will be allowed to wear two pairs of earrings and her wedding ring, sans diamond.

In addition to their uniforms, the Chrisleys will be required to work while in prison. Todd will be able to choose from a variety of jobs, from cook to an electrician to a librarian, and he will be paid from $0.12 to $0.40 for every hour worked. Julie will be paid on a separate pay scale through a program called UNICOR, and she will also be offered job placement to help her reenter society after her sentence is up.

Todd and Julie will also be allowed to participate in recreational activities. Todd will be able to play sports like softball, basketball, flag football, and more, while Julie will be able to enjoy art, aerobics, music, and other activities.

While Todd will have to serve his entire sentence behind bars, Julie will be allowed to do 10 percent of her sentence at home or in a halfway house. This program will require strict schedules and curfews, and sometimes electronic monitoring equipment is used to ensure compliance.

As a result of their convictions, Chrisley Knows Best and Growing Up Chrisley has been canceled. The Chrisleys’ lawyer has said that they plan to appeal the court’s ruling, but for now, the Chrisleys must prepare for life in prison.

Hollywood Life


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