In a heartwarming tale of compassion and support, a NICU nurse, Katrina Mullen, 45, has legally adopted Shariya Small, 17, a teenage mother of preemie triplets, forming an extraordinary family of love and care.
Mullen, herself a teen mom when she placed her baby boy up for adoption almost 30 years ago, felt an instant connection when she met Small, who was overwhelmed by the unexpected pregnancy at just 14 years old. Small gave birth to her triplets – two girls and a boy – prematurely at 26 weeks on August 30, 2020, and found solace in Mullen’s understanding presence in the NICU at Community Hospital North.
As days passed, a strong bond formed between the two, with Mullen regularly checking on Small and offering her a listening ear. The young mother, lacking a support system, found comfort in Mullen’s guidance and care. When Small’s son developed health issues, it was Mullen who urged her to seek immediate medical attention and stepped in to babysit her daughters during the hospital visit.
After a Child Protective Services investigation, Small faced the possibility of separation from her children. In an extraordinary gesture, Mullen was asked if she would take in Small and her triplets. Without hesitation, Mullen welcomed them into her home as her foster children. Over time, the bond between the nurse and the young mother deepened, leading to a remarkable turn of events. On February 6, 2023, Mullen officially adopted Small, making her a grandmother to the three toddlers, Sarayah, Serenitee, and Samari.
With Mullen’s unwavering support, Small blossomed into a fierce and hands-on mom, ensuring her children receive the love and care they deserve. The triplets, who will turn 3 next month, are thriving, with the girls graduating from therapy and preparing to start mainstream preschool. While Small plans to pursue a career in social work, Mullen has shifted her work schedule to care for Samari, who requires extra attention due to a feeding tube.