In a heartwarming reunion, a 42-year-old Virginia man named Jimmy Lippert Thyden finally embraced his biological mother, Maria Angelica Gonzalez, after being separated at birth and believing each other had perished. The emotional meeting took place in Valdivia, Chile, where Gonzalez resides, after a lengthy international search that spanned several months.
With tears of joy and emotions running high, Thyden greeted his mother in Spanish with a heartfelt “Hola, Mama” and expressed his love for her as they shared their first embrace. The touching encounter came after decades of separation, during which Thyden had been raised by an American family in Virginia and eventually became a successful criminal defense attorney.
The remarkable journey to this reunion began when Thyden chanced upon a news story about Chilean-born adoptees reconnecting with their birth families. He opted for a DNA test through MyHeritage, confirming his Chilean heritage and leading to a match with a first cousin on the platform. With the cousin’s assistance, Thyden eventually connected with his biological mother, though initial attempts were met with skepticism due to the potential for exploitation.
The nonprofit organization Nos Buscamos played a crucial role in uncovering the painful history surrounding Thyden’s adoption. He had fallen victim to a “counterfeit adoption” scheme, a dark chapter intertwined with human rights abuses during General Augusto Pinochet’s rule in Chile. Tens of thousands of babies were taken from Chilean families in the 1970s and 1980s, often from economically disadvantaged women who lacked the means to defend themselves.
While Thyden’s reunion marked a successful resolution, the journey to reunification for other adoptees remains complex. Nos Buscamos, in collaboration with MyHeritage, seeks to assist Chilean adoptees and suspected victims of child trafficking in uncovering their origins through DNA testing. The organization is working to address thousands of similar counterfeit adoption cases, helping individuals like Thyden reconnect with their past.