Actor Pierce Brosnan, renowned for his roles in “Mamma Mia!” and as the iconic James Bond, faces legal repercussions after allegedly violating policies within Yellowstone National Park. The 70-year-old star was issued citations for purportedly engaging in unauthorized foot travel within thermal areas and not adhering to designated trails in Yellowstone Canyon, as well as for purportedly violating closures and usage limits. The citations were reportedly issued on November 1, but they were officially filed in the U.S. District Court of Wyoming much later, as confirmed by Fox News Digital.
These alleged infractions, categorized as petty offenses, are scheduled to be addressed at the Yellowstone Justice Center in Mammoth, Wyoming, on January 23. While representatives for Brosnan have not promptly responded to requests for comment from Fox News Digital, the charges stand, reflecting the seriousness of the alleged breaches.
Yellowstone National Park maintains stringent regulations concerning thermal areas, emphasizing the prohibition of foot travel after dark, restricting livestock access, and prohibiting any alteration or placement of objects in thermal features. Additionally, engaging in activities like swimming or bathing in thermal-origin water is strictly forbidden due to potential hazards, such as the unpredictability of ground conditions and the acidic nature of thermal pools.
The park’s website underscores the necessity of staying within designated walking areas, as the ground might have only a thin crust above scalding hot springs, presenting unforeseeable risks. To facilitate safe exploration, the park service has established boardwalks, allowing visitors a secure approach to thermal features.
Uncertainty looms over potential criminal charges against Brosnan in this matter. However, if formally charged, the actor could face fines or a maximum of six months’ imprisonment, according to the Department of Justice guidelines.
Amidst these legal developments, Brosnan shared pictures from Montana on November 1, showcasing a new hat from a store in Austin, Texas. His social media post didn’t allude to the reported incident at Yellowstone National Park, leaving questions unanswered about the circumstances leading to the citations.
As the court date approaches, the outcome of Brosnan’s alleged violations within the confines of the revered national park remains to be seen.