Arnold Schwarzenegger, the iconic actor, and former California governor, is set to release a three-part documentary series on Netflix titled “Arnold.” In this much-anticipated series, Schwarzenegger delves into the allegations of groping and humiliation that emerged just days before the 2003 California governor election, as reported by the Los Angeles Times.
At the time of the accusations, Schwarzenegger vehemently denied the claims, dismissing them as “made-up” and asserting that he had “never grabbed anyone.” However, in the forthcoming Netflix documentary, Schwarzenegger acknowledges his initial defensiveness and offers an apology for his past behavior, acknowledging that it was wrong and without justification.
Reflecting on the past, Schwarzenegger states, “Today, I can look at it and kind of say, it doesn’t really matter what time it is. If it’s the Muscle Beach days of 40 years ago, or today, that this was wrong. It was bullshit. Forget all the excuses, it was wrong.”
The Los Angeles Times investigation into the allegations involved speaking with several women who came forward with their stories. Despite the serious nature of the accusations, the impact on Schwarzenegger’s political career was minimal. He ultimately won the election, and the allegations did not significantly affect his standing in the polls.
The documentary sheds light on the surprise expressed by reporter Carla Hall from the Los Angeles Times. Hall admits that she expected the allegations to have a more substantial impact on the election and Schwarzenegger’s political future. The speed at which the investigation was conducted left little time for comprehensive fact-checking, but the allegations were thoroughly examined within the available timeframe.
The release of the “Arnold” documentary series serves as a follow-up to Schwarzenegger’s successful Netflix action-comedy series, “Fubar,” which marked his return to leading roles. The show’s popularity was evident, as Netflix playfully named Schwarzenegger its chief action officer during its rollout.
“Arnold” is set to debut on June 7th on Netflix, offering viewers an in-depth look into Schwarzenegger’s personal reflections and experiences. By addressing the controversy head-on and expressing remorse for his past behavior, Schwarzenegger aims to promote a message of accountability and personal growth.